How Best to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

You put time and money into whitening your teeth. Now, you want that bright, white smile to last. Professional whitening makes teeth way whiter. But it does not permanently guarantee results forever. Without daily care, stains come back.

Teeth lose their new brilliant shine over time. Here are tips on diet, home care, and touch-up treatments. They will help you keep your investment in a glowing smile as long as possible.

Whitening Treatments Explained 

Methods like laser whitening or take-home trays with whitening gel lighten tooth enamel shades through a chemical process. A dentist applies stronger whitening chemicals than store brands do. These can give you a brighter, whiter smile in days. 

The whitest color peaks around two weeks later. These fantastic, visible upgrades feel pretty satisfying. But you must stay diligent with daily care to maintain the effects.

Avoid Foods and Drinks That Stain 

The more color molecules foods or drinks contain, the more likely they will re-stain brightened enamel. Offenders are coffee, tea, red wine, and dark sodas. Spicy tomato sauce, berries, chocolate, curry, and balsamic stain teeth. Swish with water after eating or drinking to wash some color away. Then, wait one hour after meals before brushing so you do not spread stains around.

Brush With Whitening Toothpaste 

Use a whitening toothpaste formula with gentle polishers and low abrasion. The correct brushing technique matters. Brush at a 45-degree angle, using tiny circles and very light pressure. This prevents scratching your tooth enamel. Before rinsing, take two minutes to clean all inner, outer, and chewing surfaces thoroughly. Brush twice per day and after meals when possible.

Floss Once a Day 

Hardened tooth-colored plaque also dulls a glowing smile. Flossing removes stains between teeth where bristles cannot reach. Carefully insert the floss into each tight space. Rub up, down, and all around before lifting away. Freshly cleaned teeth always gleam whiter. Consider single-use floss picks for convenience.

Limit Staining Substances 

Tobacco can severely re-stain your smile fast with messy tar and nicotine. If you smoke, vape, or chew tobacco, thoroughly rinse after each use. Consider cleaner options like nicotine gum instead while breaking the habit. Coffee, berries, chocolate, and tea seem harmless but can subtly re-tint enamel over time.

Get Touch-Up Whitening Treatments 

Without occasional maintenance, your hard-won whiteness levels fade closer to your original shade in one to three years. Most patients re-treat their smiles around the two-year mark on average. For savings, dentists sell syringes of touch-up whitener for at-home top-offs between visits. Combining pro treatments with daily care optimizes and extends your investment.

Whitening strips or special toothpaste can maintain results between treatments. Yet, they do not change the actual color like strong products used by pros. Some products enhance surface brightness with gentle stain removal and anti-microbial actions. Ask your hygienist about electric brushes with built-in stain-fighting modes.

Keep your smile shining by preventing stains at home. Regular dental cleanings every six months remove discoloration, tartar, and hardened plaque. Show experts any stubborn spots or share reasons for renewed staining for better advice between visits.

Achieving dramatic tooth whitening requires an initial investment of time and money. But gaining a glowing, confidence-boosting grin makes it all worthwhile for most. Combine pro whitening with diligent daily care and routine cleanings by the experts. With some effort, you can maintain your fabulous, whiter smile for years.

For more on teeth whitening, visit Towne Lake Family Dentistry at our Woodstock, Georgia office. Call (770) 525-8581 to book an appointment today. Additionally, we offer Zoom consultations for your convenience.